翻了翻这个图的手册,研究了下,这个图的ai巴士档案用的不是常规的maps\xxx文件夹里的ailist,而是在maps\Ahlheim_Laurenzbach Updated\chrono\Line_network_overhaul_2021的ailists_#upd.cfg里面,那里就有Scania Citywide GN14还有其他巴士的ai巴士文件指向路径。
AI lists
The mod applies an updated AI list for the map. The file can be found in
OMSI 2\maps\Ahlheim_Laurenzbach Updated\chrono\Line_network_overhaul_2021\ailists_#upd.cfg
The updated list will include the following new groups:
•AVG Regio Solo
•AVG Regio Gelenk
•Rheinlandbus Gelenk
•Andresen Solo
•Andresen Fernbus
•SLZ Ueberland Gelenk
A = The new AI list file “ailists_#upd.cfg” found in the chrono event folder. B = The current file with your bus setup on it.
The easiest way to apply the current setup to this is to
1.Copy your current ailists.cfg file (B) to the chrono folder.
2.Open the copied file (B) and the updated ailists file (A) in a text editor.
3.Copy those new group entries from A to B. Update the buses and repaints to your preference.
4.Delete the file (A) that came with the mod and rename your file (B) as “ailists_#upd”.
5.Make a backup copy of it to the same folder by simply doing Ctrl+C Ctrl+V. That way you will always have a copy of it.
Step 5 is mainly for the situation when you install an update for the mod. The ailists file will be overwritten every time. Having a copy of the ready-made setup makes it faster install the updates.
In general, it is good to keep a copy of your updated ailists anyway. You never know when you accidentally mess it up and overwrite it with the original one.
大概意思是说,如果想替换ailist,就把原来的maps\Ahlheim_Laurenzbach Updated\chrono\Line_network_overhaul_2021里的ailists_#upd.cfg删掉,把自己想替换的ailist复制到对应路径,把它改成ailists_#upd.cfg就行了(也可以直接在原来的ailists_#upd.cfg里改,这样还省事点儿,也不容易出错)。如果懒得改的话,就在站里搜索Scania Ciytwide GN14的mod下载安装即可。
[ 本帖最後由 zhouzongyi 於 2024-8-13 22:58 編輯 ]