地图是永远都不够大的 来自SCS官方博客
我们完成了ETS1后,有一个巨大的反馈浪潮,要求“地方道路” - 这个反馈是真的如此响亮频繁,我们决定做一些事情。有没有机会挤进与ETS1规模的地图足够适当的非公路型道路,我们不得不去一个更详细的地图。我们知道,我们仍然会跳过公路即使有较大规模的地图很大比例,有没有办法将重现现实世界中,在任何接近1:1的比例(不谈论游戏影响货物采取真正的天,分钟,交付),但我们认为更多的细节需要。
我们决定在年底的规模是在德国卡车模拟和英国汽车模拟器“姐姐”的项目中使用的规模。我们已经建立的游戏,是进一步增长的出发点,这确实是什么ETS2世界扩展。我们基本上覆盖交易的细节。一旦你在一个特定的细节开始,你可以推覆盖 - 虚拟世界的程度 - 随着时间的推移,只要你能持续。但是,如果你开始小规模的,有多少细节可以敲定。所以我们遵循的轨迹是什么大约4年前已经开始对硬限制。
在这个时候,有超过30人,年 入ETS2版本的地图,计数的地图建筑本身和世界的模型和组合屋的建设。当然我们增加了新的领土,并增加了额外的波兰和道路,以现有的地区,但它是一个艰苦的渐进过程。地图是一个庞大的 资时间和金钱,真是为我们的主要风险。我们已经倒在从早期的比赛,我们曾经赢得的一切。
当然,现在我们有更好的路面覆盖,有加入欧洲的领土完整,并很快从你的巨大压力。不幸的是,即使我们很想有覆盖欧洲所有,这是要采取更多的工作和时间来实现。为实现这一目标的一个里程碑,您可以查看ETS2版本 - 我们希望游戏的销量将帮助我们融资进一步欧洲的卡车概念的世界,它正在发生演变。
The scope and scale of the Euro Truck Simulator 2 world is the result of a combination of priorities and compromises.
After we finished ETS1, there was a huge wave of feedback asking for "more local roads" - this feedback was really so loud and frequent that we decided to do something about it. There was no chance to squeeze in enough proper non-highway-type roads into a map with the ETS1 scale, we had to go for a more detailed map. We knew we would still be skipping large percentage of highways even with a larger scale map, there is no way would reproduce the real world in anything close to 1:1 scale (not to speak about the implications for gameplay with cargoes taking real days, not minutes, to deliver), but we felt lot more detail was needed.
The scale we decided upon in the end was the scale used in German Truck Simulator and UK Truck simulator "sister" projects. We had built those games to be the starting point for further growth, and this is indeed what the ETS2 world expands upon. Basically we traded detail for coverage. Once you start at a given detail, you can push coverage - the extent of the virtual world - over time, for as long as you can last. But if you start with small scale, there is a hard limit on how much detail can be hammered in. So the trajectory we are following is what was already started some 4 years ago.
At this time, there is over 30 man-years invested into the ETS2 map, counting the map construction itself and building of models and prefabs for the world. We have added new territories of course and added additional polish and roads to the existing areas, but it's a laborious incremental process. The map is a huge investment of time and money, really major risk for us. We have poured in everything we have ever earned from the earlier games.
Of course, now that we have better road coverage, there is huge pressure from you to add complete territory of Europe, and soon. Unfortunately, even though we would love to have all of Europe covered, this is going to take a lot more work and time to achieve. You can view ETS2 as a milestone towards this goal - we hope that the game's sales will help us finance further evolution of the Euro Truck concept and the world in which it is taking place.