map of mario 12.8 includes europe, africa, russia, ukraine, belarus, as well as the south and north america. includes more than 700 cities, the map is compatible with the DLC DLC france and italy (without her works) as for the map to work required DLC east and DLC scandinavia
if you have no DLC beyond the baltic sea download a previous version of a previous version.
attention! need DLC east DLC DLC scandinavia, france and DLC italy, DLC beyond the baltic sea
the installation manager from bottom to top:
11 on the top
01 downstairs
first it can last long (don't consider the game hover)
double trailers in the traffic for this map (updated) to above the map
translation of cities
12.8 for euro truck simulator version 2 (v1.33.x, 1.34.x):
the compatibility of 1.34
correction of errors
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