
[其他] 【新】全新沃爾沃FH2013 室內(綠色LED和儀表板) v1.70

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會員編號153785 帖子總數231 下載積分2916 分 模載通匯-2 枚   15樓# 發表於 2013-10-29 20:46 發短消息      高級操作: 引用 報告 回復







Euro Truck Simulator 2 version 1.7 update
There are actually two pieces of news we'd like to share with you today here, and also in a more graphically richer way on World of Trucks.


The 1.7 update is available! Yes, the big star of this update is the new Volvo FH and FH16. Freshly off closed beta, we are in such a hurry to give it to you that for now we just have the Steam-only update ready. But please have patience with us, non-Steam version of the update is coming soon. (Or of course you can take advantage of the fact that any genuine Product Key we have ever issued for the game will also activate the game on Steam. Once.) The logistics of the release is actually quite simpler for us when working with Steam.


With Halloween coming, we have created a special Halloween Paint Job Pack DLC for the occasion. It features 6 exclusive dark and scary themes applicable to all trucks in the game.

For veteran players of the game creating and using mods, we are aware that this is not major news for you - you can always satisfy your truck tuning appetite with a vast variety of custom mods or even your own creativity. But there are tens of thousands of players out there who never dare to apply any unofficial mods. We believe that if we take this road, we may be able give them something interesting and worthwhile. And of course completely optional.

After several months of work, we have just finished the new truck model, and we are giving it to our player base for free. We are committed to giving you more free trucks in the future, actually already two more are under development.

The idea with the paint job DLC is that such small paid-for "cosmetics" DLCs are our chance to accelerate development of the core game. Instead of begging for donations, we can offer something of value to help us fund further evolution of the game. And if this catches on, we'd like to consider more than just simple paints - there are definitely more cool opportunities, like offering support for decorating the inside of the cabin.

The Halloween Paint Jobs Pack DLC available now on Steam. This DLC is a Steam-only release. With our limited back-end infrastructure for monetizing and managing DLCs, we are not going to offer it from the official website.

We hope you'll enjoy driving the new Volvo FH and wear those beautiful Halloween paint jobs as much as we enjoyed creating them! Thank you!








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