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原文: [REPOST] Noul's Reshade Preset for OMSI ----------------------------------------------- REQUIREMENT (IF YOU WANT TO USE RTGI VERSION) ----------------------------------------------- RTGI by Pascal Gilcher : https://www.patreon.com/mcflypg and pay for Breakfast "Beta" or Book "Alpha" ----------------------------------------------- INSTALLATION ----------------------------------------------- Step 1 : Go to official website of Reshade (https://reshade.me/) and download the latest version of Reshade Step 2 : Open the Reshade Setup, click browse and select omsi.exe in your game directory, select DirectX9, click Skip, on effect packages to install page, make sure qUINT by Marty McFly is selected. Step 3 : Install RTGI and follow their instructions (Not Required for Non RTGI) Step 4 : Open OMSI 2 Folder and simply drops all files inside into your game directory (Overwrite when required) ----------------------------------------------- UPDATION ----------------------------------------------- Open the Latest Reshade Setup, click browse and select omsi.exe in your game directory, select DirectX 9 and simply click Modify ----------------------------------------------- UNINSTALLATION ----------------------------------------------- open the Reshade Setup, click browse and select omsi.exe in your game directory, select DirectX 9, and simply click Uninstall Default OMSI 2 Directory (64-bit) : C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\OMSI 2 Default OMSI 2 Directory (32-bit) : C:\Program Files\Steam\steamapps\common\OMSI 2\
简单翻译: [转发] OMSI的Noul's Reshade Preset ----------------------------------------------- 要求(如果你想使用RTGI版本) ----------------------------------------------- RTGI by Pascal Gilcher : https://www.patreon.com/mcflypg and pay for Breakfast "Beta" or Book "Alpha" ----------------------------------------------- 安装 ----------------------------------------------- 第一步:前往Reshade官方网站 (https://reshade.me/)并下载最新版本的Reshade 第二步(插件下载源为GitHub,需翻墙):打开Reshade设置,点击浏览并选择omsi.exe在你的游戏目录中,选择DirectX9,点击跳过,在Select effect packages to install页面,选中qUINT by Marty MaFly 第三步:安装RTGI并按照他们的指示(非RTGI不需要) 第四步:打开 OMSI 2 文件夹,只需将所有文件放入游戏目录(必要时覆盖) ----------------------------------------------- 更新 ----------------------------------------------- 打开最新的Reshade,点击浏览并选择omsi.exe在你的游戏目录中,选择DirectX 9,点Modify ----------------------------------------------- 卸载 ----------------------------------------------- 打开Reshade,点击浏览并选择omsi.exe在你的游戏目录中,选择DirectX 9,点Uninstall 默认OMSI 2目录(64位): C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\OMSI 2 默认OMSI 2目录(32位): C:\Program Files\Steam\steamapps\common\OMSI 2\
版权:Noul's Reshade Preset for OMSI(已询问脸书Lima Charlie Aviation https://www.facebook.com/groups/ ... 1896087878/?__cft__[0]=AZUGZPAx3PrLGDpo8LG-d69MOAYsImIEwxst2cWKGkpYAndeInZE1bEzY_pD_idhREMYEM6_tq1K44MtLmcdarQ9QMBzszu660ntGRaP-8uKMTW05BWIzxRnynNki0PntpHxwgwFsrBtIpMrGRtEECuH&__tn__=-UC%2CP-R)
2023-4-15 19:33
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