【介紹】:This mod includes various adaptations made to the O405 made by businterchange.net
These adaptations have been made to make this Singaporean bus more like the O405 MKV used by Sydney Buses
Changes include
- New rollbands system with front, side and rear rollbands
- New destos including all Manly ACT TWO routes
- Opal ticket sound
- STA Buses Corporate v1 livery
- School Zone decal
- Back advertisement
To use simply add the contents of the zip file into your OMSI folder.
A number of future changes are planned. Stay tuned to AussieX for details
A massive thanks to Bear76 for his work to improve the Manly hof file. Be sure to use the included hof file.
Thanks also to Steven Foster for sharing his repaints.
I reiterate that this is not my bus but has been uploaded and modified with permission from businterchange.net
Known issues
- No ticketing or cash sales.
- Strange cockpit camera angle.
- Panel behind the front desto appear white in the darkness.
本帖最後由 不是我哦 於 2018-4-5 07:27 編輯 ]