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🎃 使用 模载APP 发送
For all owners of the add-ons „Hamburg Day and Night“ and „HafenCity“, the Hamburg map is automatically expanded after buying Hamburg Line 20.
New route connects automatically at Altona station and Winterhude Markt for owners of the „Hamburg Day and Night“ add-on, and at Jahnring or Alsterdorf depot for owners of the „HafenCity“ add-on
🎃 使用 电脑配置不行的 Win11 发送
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🎃 使用 Win11 发送
原帖由 LeoLe1215 于 2022-5-27 09:12 发表 这个的意思是买了汉堡20路DLC会自动扩展“Hamburg Day and Night”和“HafenCity”这两个DLC 就是将它们连接起来,但是我没有这两个DLC照样可以玩,所以我怀疑还是楼主设置太高或者后台挂着“360”“2345”这种毒瘤软件 ...
435 21:10:18 - - Error: The file "Sceneryobjects\HH20_MC_HST_Obj\Str?er_Werbetafel.sco" could not be loaded! 436 21:10:18 - - Warning: Invalid Object: Sceneryobjects\HH20_MC_HST_Obj\Str?er_Werbetafel.sco" 437 21:10:18 - - Information: Refresh Tile: 352, maps\HamburgLi20\tile_-14_3.map ... 438 21:10:18 - - Error: Could not load object Sceneryobjects\HH20_MC_HST_Obj\Str?er_Werbetafel.sco!